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Ruth Alatorre

December 11, 2020

The year 2020 is about to end and many readings will be made of what happened in it. We can reflect on different points of view: personal, social or familiar, in the society or in the educational way.


Many feelings have arisen during this pandemic that surprised us worldwide
for its impact on the economy, on health and it can sometimes feel endless. It has inspired in us to share different opinions, share in discussions, arguments, disagreements and even radicalized positions in some cases.

Some challenges that we have seen at times worsen during this health crisis has been in relation to inequality and poverty. The most vulnerable are those with a lack of resources to deal with this crisis, and they often live in the most polluted areas.

During November 2015 in the city of Paris, 197 countries agreed to continue efforts to limit the increase in temperature on our planet. The climate action tracker monitoring greenhouse gas emissions today indicates that those emissions continue to rise and have already warmed the world by 1.1ºC. This is bad news for everyone on the planet.


If we continue in this direction, an even greater climate crisis is expected. The evidence so far shows the reaction of nature to this deterioration. It is heavy impact on human beings, and the many other different species on land and in water. The goal set by the Paris Agreement is to limit the global temperature by 1.5 C by 2030--and we only have a decade left to do it.


From this growing need, the COUNTDOWN initiative was born, and its global launch happened in October of this 2020 year. This educational initiative was launched with the aim of creating awareness in all people of the urgent need to review the direction that our life takes on the planet. This is why a large number of scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, producers and leaders have come together to share information, strategies and visions through videos from 20 different countries. Thus, regardless of culture, way of life or beliefs this effort is made in order to motivate each of us to make the best decisions that lead us to fulfill this goal: Define the world you want to deliver to future generations.


This urgent appeal resonates with our educational beliefs in the San Roberto since our efforts are aimed at our students to be thinkers and transformers of a globalized world without forgetting the commitment to take care of our planet, its people and the well-being of everyone around us.

According to this we invited to TEDxSan Roberto: an open talk to the whole community to make us aware of what is happening in our world, to inform some options that are helpful in making the right decisions for this great need and to realize the fundamental role that we can play in the construction of the world today that our children will enjoy.


Generating awareness, being informed, taking action is of great importance in this decade, where the goal of curbing environmental degradation seems unattainable. It is time to being to conceptualize the "environment" as something inherent to us, that in referring to it we refer to the relationship that exists between nature and the society that inhabits it to stop seeing it as something separate from us, or something that we serve, only then can we begin to relate in a different way to our environment.


Join the call by taking action to reduce your carbon footprint, that of your family and your community. Listen to the call: In the next decade, we must transform key sectors of the global economy to reduce emissions. These changes will be difficult, but not impossible, because they will also bring enormous opportunities and will also mean cleaner air in a safer and more stable climate for all.


The message is urgent:


  • "We start this new decade knowing that it is the most consequential period in history.” (Prince William)

  • “Climate has reached a global crisis point.” (Johan Rockstorm)

  • ” More than a million acres burned in California these summer and massive floods put a third of bangladesh underwater” (Rebeca Henderson)

  • “We now have one last chance to truly change our course” Christiana Figueres

  • “We will plant a million trees within the next two years” Ivonne Aki Sawyer

  • “In Kenya where I'm from renewablesources provide nearly 80 of our electricity” (Rose Mutiso)

  • “We know we need to reduce our emissions and draw the existing carbon out of the atmosphere stop the damage and start the repair” (Tomas Crowther) “…and the only way we

  • “We need to start connecting to the future in an urgent way because our time is the time that we create” (Andri Snaer Mangnason)

  • “The world has the opportunity to build a healthier and more resilient future” (Alok Sharma)

  • “It is time for us to put climate justice at the forefront of our struggles.” (Nana Firman)

  • “Climate justice is linked to racial justice social justice and intergenerational justice too there.” (David Lammy)

  • ” There is no rehearsal.” (Amanda Gorman) “We need to do it now…” (Cynthia Eribo) ”the time is now now now” (Amanda Gorman).

  • “I’m only a child yet I know we are all in this together… I was that 12 year old child now it's time to get to work” (Seven Curlis Suzuki).

  • “We have to do this today, not tomorrow: today” Pope Francisco


Do you identify with this urgent call?

For my part, I take up the invitation to work today for the future of the new generations. Let us carry out together the "Earthshoot" to return to our world the balance it has lost. It is possible to achieve this in this decade. The vulnerable, suffer the most severely from the effects of this imbalance.  We need to stop this climate injustice that affects those with less means to protect themselves; we need to stop being complicit to this injustice and remind ourselves that caring for each other is what it means to be human.


Young people on the front line: more than our words, they need our actions. Actions working hand in hand with optimism will form these moments of crisis into solutions that transform our reality; together with them that Optimism is that engine because it has been shown that in moments of crisis you are able to get the best out of us and a great force arises that makes you transform your reality...


For this new reality to exist, a personal transformation is necessary to achieve a community transformation. The task is to start today, to start now, and to be beint with ourselves.


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