Nord Anglia USA boarding schools, leaders in educational innovation.
By Arturo Gonzalez
May 30, 2022
The educational offer of this educational group become an attraction for young people from all over the world who are looking for top notch opportunities for their future.

The world is in constant motion. Events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, technological advances and millennials, a new demographic group that leads family and productive life today, are just some of the catalysts for this evolution. We are witnesses of new social phenomena, new ways of working and new ways of being connected. Education is not exempt from this evolution.
The great explosion towards technological advancement provides new teaching and learning tools that increase educational opportunities. They allow a dynamism in the classrooms, favor team collaboration, and offer access to an unprecedented amount of information. Similarly, in the new education, the development of skills takes as important a role as knowledge.
“Simon is widely recognized as a pioneer in EdTech and digital transformation and we are delighted that he has agreed to join Nord Anglia to oversee our global program. Through our Global Campus online learning platform for students and Nord Anglia University, our learning platform for teachers, we already lead in technology-enabled learning across our schools. Under Simon’s leadership we will accelerate how we use new technologies to help our 10,000 teachers transform the education of every Nord Anglia student both in the classroom and at home.”
“Technology is changing so fast that it provides teachers with tools to offer their best version and help personalized teaching with students. Technology allows us to understand how students learn best and what their strengths are,” says Dr. Eilse Ecoff, director of education at Nord Anglia Education.
Nord Anglia Education, the largest group of international schools in the world, has managed to pioneer and lead this educational evolution. They offer internship programs in the US receiving students from all over the world, from 6th grade to 12th grade, with a curriculum enriched by their collaborations with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Juilliard, and UNICEF. Within their High School educational offer, they have developed unique programs that provide experiential learning and a range of opportunities to their students.
The Village School (Houston, TX)
Pre-Medical Diploma and Professional Practices
The Village School has created a Diploma of Pre-Medical Sciences with a rigorous curriculum designed in partnership with professionals from the medical industry. Located in Houston, the medical capital, students have the opportunity to observe surgeries and procedures, collaborate on research alongside industry professionals, become certified in first aid, and create a contact network.
It also has an innovative internship program that provides real-life learning opportunities for its students in a wide range of industries such as medicine, engineering, technology and software, business, fashion/marketing, among others. Under this program, available to students beginning in 9th grade, student interns are given projects with meaningful responsibilities, guidelines, and expectations very similar to those they would have if they were employed full-time.
TeKedra Pierre, M.Ed, Director of the experiential learning program comments that the impact of the Pre-Medical Science program extends beyond The Village School.
“We have students from more than 60 countries who will make a global impact in the medical field. We are preparing the next generation of professionals through a foundation-building curriculum combined with experiential learning and access to mentorship from around the world.”
In collaboration with Blausen Medical Communications, owner of the world's most extensive medical and scientific 3D animation library, Village becomes the first High School program in the world to use the full anatomy and physiology experience."
Roberto M., a student at The Village, says he always wanted to be an engineering professional, work in a team and learn skills like CAD.”
His dream came true when he did his internship at Nauticus Robotics, where he helped develop an aquanaut robot that repairs pipelines. “I worked independently to find solutions to project problems by designing parts in CAD, printing them in 3D and evaluating their effectiveness. I gained first-hand experience in an industry that I have always been interested in.”
North Broward Preparatory School – Boca Raton, FL
Arts Academy
Nord Anglia boarding schools in the USA have a collaboration with the prestigious Juilliard Institute that enriches their artistic curriculum. The Nord Anglia school in Boca Raton designed a program that empowers and prepares its students who aim to venture into the performing arts professionally.
In this program, students develop new techniques, receive pre-conservative academic instruction, collaborate with real-life artists, and develop a mindset of entrepreneurship, innovation, and artistic leadership.
“The Arts Academy at North Broward Prep has given me thorough training in the arts. It has motivated me to participate not only in theater productions but in operas as well. I have received voice training that has helped me grow in unimaginable ways. Being exposed to different techniques and styles facilitates this process. The Arts Academy has motivated me to work on my passion and explore it. My professors have helped and guided me step by step with my academic preparation for university”, says Juliana Castillo, a student at the Arts Academy in North Broward.
Windermere Preparatory School – Orlando, FL
Sports Program and College Counseling
The sports culture within schools in the United States is very strong. Through sports, many student-athletes aspire to be recruited by universities to play at the collegiate level and obtain scholarships. Windermere Prep, located in Orlando, Florida and part of the Nord Anglia group, offers a very unique balance of athletic and academic competitiveness.
The campus has 21 teams in 16 different sports and within its facilities they have a soccer stadium, swimming pool, basketball court, beach volleyball court, first class gym and performance center, baseball and softball diamond, tennis and also access to the golf course of the Ritz Carlton Hotel.
“Our son Carlos Ponce de León Méndez had the illusion of studying medicine in the United States since he was a child. He entered Windermere Prep initially for 6 months but, while there, he met extraordinary people like the coach who encouraged him to stay so he could participate in the football team, my son's great passion. With the magnificent support that he always received from his counselors, he began the process of applying to different universities. Carlos, with a lot of work, effort and the great support of his counselor Nancy Gerena, managed to be accepted in several universities from which he chose Brown, because one of his dreams was to be able to enter an Ivy League university, says Carlos Ponce de León, the dad.
This educational innovation from Nord Anglia Education through differentiated programs combined with the use of technology allows for an approach inside and outside the classroom that leads its students to prepare for success at the next level and in life.