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Strengthening our Culture

By Diana Garza, M.Ed.

November 22, 2019

"Every man's ability may be strengthened or increased by culture" by John Abbot, Canadian lawyer and politician.
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At ISR we understand as Culture the set of beliefs, relationships, attitudes and practices that make up a harmonious environment; Thus, in our quest to provide our students and community with a harmonious environment in which they can fully develop their abilities and talents, at Valle Alto Campus we have given ourselves the task of strengthening the culture of our community.


The strengthening of the culture is an effort in which all members of a community must be included, since it equally benefits all, not only our students.

Interpersonal relationships, caring for the integrity of others, abiding to basic rules of coexistence, fulfillment of expectations, respect, empathy, responsibility, and discipline become relevant in this task.


Aiming to foster permanent positive skills and attitudes in the lives of our students and community members, we started this project with actions that strengthen our sense of belonging and promote acts of kindness. This school year we seek to work with constant and systematic actions that generate awareness and form habits.


We have integrated a team that guides our action plan and invited some of the leading mothers of our community, homeroom mothers and sports teams representatives,  to join efforts and convene the conscious participation of all parents. Together, family and school, we can strengthen our culture and become the community we all want for our children, and  our society.


We started with small actions, with the basic rules of coexistence, such as greeting, and we are beginning to notice a positive response in our students. With the enthusiasm and support of the leading moms, and all of us adults serving as models and trainers, our efforts will be reflected in the harmonious and respectful environment we seek to achieve.


The goal is to become a community where respect, empathy, responsibility and discipline predominate. A community aware of the impact that each of our individual actions have on the community, and above all, on a good example towards our children. We wish this culture to spread to other groups in our city and later, why not, to our country.  Hand down a better culture is our responsibility as part of a society privileged by education.


I close with the phrase of Johan Huizinga, Dutch philosopher and historian, "If we want to preserve our culture, we must continue to create it." I invite you to join this collective effort.


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