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For the 2024-2025 school year, the following access points will be exclusively available for students registered in the carpool program (Registration Link). Carpooling is for three or more students from at least two different families departing at the same time. 


Lampazos 1 - Exit through the black gate on Lampazos, near the corner of Av. Real San Agustin (traffic flow from east to west). 

• Lampazos 2 - On the Lampazos sidewalk in front of the school (traffic flow from west to east). 


We will place a sticker on the IDs of students registered for this exit. Students without the sticker and/or registration on the form will not be allowed to exit through Lampazos. Each family requesting carpool service must complete this form.




*Carpool permits requested after August 23 will be effective, with prior authorization, two business days after the request.

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